Cover Page

Author: Haruki Murakami

Original title: アフターダーク, Afutā Dāku

Translator: Jay Rubin

Genres: Literary fiction

Country: Japan

Languaje: Japanese

Publisher: Kodansha

Publication date: 2004

Pages: 208

ISBN: 0-307-26583-8 (US)
1-84655-047-5 (UK)


Right before midnight, in the city of Tokio, Mari Asai, a 19-year-old student, is spending the night reading in a Denny's. There she meets Takahashi Tetsuya, a trombone-playing student who she had met once in a double date with her sister, Eri. Meanwhile, Eri is in a deep sleep next to a television; the television suddenly comes to life with a disturbing image in it, despites it not being plugged. Mari crosses ways with a retired female wrestler, Kaoru, now working as a manager in a love hotel called "Alphaville". Kaoru needs Mari to talk to a Chinese prostitute who had just been beaten in the love hotel by an office worker, Shirakawa. Parts of the story take place in a world between reality and dream, and each chapter begins with an image of a clock depicting the passage of time throughout the night.


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