Cover Page

Author: Haruki Murakami

Original title: スプートニクの恋人, Supūtoniku no Koibito

Genres: Novel, Fiction, Speculative fiction

Translator: Philip Gabriel

Country: Japan

Languaje: Japanese

Publisher: Kōdansha

Publication date: 1999

Pages: 229

ISBN: 1-86046-825-X


“K.”, falls in love with his best friend Sumire. But devotion to an untidy writerly life precludes her from any personal commitments until she meets Miu, an older and much more sophisticated business woman. When Sumire disappears from an island off the coast of Greece, “K” is solicited to join the search party and finds himself drawn back into her world and beset by ominous, haunting visions. A love story combined with a detective story, Sputnik Sweetheart ultimately lingers in the mind as a profound meditation on human longing.


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